Inspiration can also arise from arts of all sorts that aren’t tied directly to a specific narrative, such as drawings, paintings, clothing, and music. You might want to play a character based off a general archetype that appears in many stories, like an absentminded detective, a wise sage, or a master archer.
The characters you use as sources could come from modern works or from traditional legends. and why do you like them so much? Is it their attitude? Their personality? Their style and flair? Their aesthetic? The way they approach challenges? Thinking about why you like certain characters is a useful springboard to come up with characters that capture the fun of an idea without directly copying them. Inspiration from Media: Who are your favorite characters in books, movies, TV shows, video games, comics, etc.But where to start? Here are four sources of inspiration that work well for me and other people I’ve played with. But sooner or later, you’re gonna want to let your own imagination roam, making characters that help you tell the stories you want to be part of. I mean, sure, you could play one of our nifty pregenerated characters for a while. Before you sit down to play a tabletop RPG like Pathfinder or Starfinder, you need a character.